31 Jul 2013

Smashwords.com CEO Mark Coker Interview - TeleRead

Mark Coker:

When we launched Smashwords in early 2008, our platform made it easy to publish and sell an eBook in our own store. We never planned to become a distributor.

In early 2009, however, I had an epiphany. Our small store was an island. Readers were going to bookstores to find their next read, so we needed to get our books into the major online eBook stores.

I studied the landscape and was impressed by the example of Ingram, which was the leading distributor of print books to retailers.

By efficiently managing the distribution and fulfillment logistics for print books, they were offering an incredibly valuable service to publishers, retailers and readers alike.

So I got the crazy idea to make Smashwords the Ingram of self-published ebooks. It was clear at the time that self-published eBook authors were unable to reach the major retailers. Only Amazon had a viable platform for indies.

By the end of 2009, we signed our first distribution deals with Barnes & Noble, Sony and Kobo. In early 2010, we became one of Apple’s first authorized aggregators.
Today, over 90% of our sales come from our distribution network, and it’s where we’ve placed 95% of our development effort over the last four years.....

28 Jul 2013

NEW Paperback - Tabula Rasa - Amazon.com

ISBN 978-1491096734

Follow Detective Macaulay on Twitter at @DetMacaulay

Amazon.com for Kindle, and at  Smashwords.com for all other eBook retailers

Other books by Ruby Binns-Cagney:  available at Amazon.com for Kindle

Paperback 304 Pages
5 x 8 Black and White interior.
ISBN 978-1096734
Published July 2013

'Tabula Rasa - A Detective Macaulay Homicide Case' by Ruby Binns-Cagney

The latest in a series of novels featuring NYPD's Detective Finkel Macaulay as she faces another Serial Killer intent on wrecking lives, and monopolising Macaulay's time.

This is a dark, chilling, tale about the lengths the FBI will go to in the pursuit of notorious psychopaths. 

The climax is unexpected, and will have you wanting to continue reading the rest of the books in this gripping series.

With accurate forensic detail, and graphic depictions of autopsies, the criminal investigation takes you inside the mind of the perpetrator, in real time.

23 Jul 2013

********** Smashwords.com Discounted Book Sale - Final 7 Days *******

 JULY SPECIAL OFFERS - Smashwords.com

All About Love - now 25% off [code: SF39D]

Love Over 40 - now 50% off [code: SSW50]

One For The Money - now 50% off [code: SSW50]

Ultimate Intimacy - now 50% off [code: SSW50]

(Enter the codes given at checkout to collect stated discount) 

Ruby Binns-Cagney is a successfully published Author at Smashwords.com and Amazon.com for Kindle.

NEW Paperback Book: Tabula Rasa - A Detective Macaulay Homicide Case - ISBN 978-1491096734

Paperback released at amazon.com 

ISBN 978-1491096734

Amazon.com for Kindle 
Smashwords.com for all other eBook readers

Other books by Ruby Binns-Cagney:  available at Amazon.com 

22 Jul 2013

Kate, The Wait, & The Royal Babygate Saga

This month was a lesson about waiting. 


Delayed gratification. 

As the entire British Nation, World, Cosmos, and Globe waited for the appearance of the Royal Baby, a mob of global Media gathered outside the hospital which was one possible location for the impending birth. The Duchess, however, was nested away at a second location, with a second hospital on standby.

For days, the Media camped out in front of the hospital, hoping and praying for a glimpse of the Duchess entering the hospital, with the birth of the much anticipated heir to the Throne pending.

The soaring heat and endless sticky humidity did not deter them. The Media grew more determined to capture that first image of the Duchess arriving at the hospital. 

They waited, and waited, and waited. 

Even Her Majesty, the Great-Grandmother-In-Waiting pitched in with her opinion on the delay. Now it seems that her engagements will take her out of the country at the same time as the Duchess may be in labour. 

Providence, I'd say. Counting chickens... and all that parlance.

And so this month's lesson for this Author has been about patience. Wanting my new book to hurry up and get published. It's turning into a tome. I have to be patient and allow the writing process to fully expand.

With my creativity being at an all time high this month, I added to my craft by re-imagining my book covers. A work of pleasure, I must admit, and a real sense of accomplishment about my ability to transform an otherwise dull cover into a multi-dimensional work of art. The finished product:

Pandora's Box
Amazon.com (Kindle)
Out Now.

Ruby Binns-Cagney is a successful Self-Published Author at Amazon.com for Kindle and at Smashwords.com for Apple iPad.

16 Jul 2013

Panic In The Writing Cave

I almost had a heart attack this afternoon, when I logged onto my blog and could not gain access. What would I do? All my hard work gone in an instant. 

I got creative. I tried a different computer, but found the same issue with login attempts. I cleared the browser's cache and powered down the machine. Then, something surprising happened. I grabbed a notepad and pen, and started sketching out a rough outline for a scene coming up later in my novel. The new novel I'm writing right now.

Without the constant distractions from computer updates flashing up on the screen - despite changing the settings several times so the updates took place when I was not actively using the computer - and without the endless time sappers - social media, email alerts, and plethora of computer system announcements, my creativity was able to flow in an untapped stream. 

For over two hours I spent time with my characters, fleshing out their back stories, and taking their stories into a new direction; one I had not even considered taking them into, had my blog not crashed.

Two hours later, having filled a casserole dish with water, puy lentils and a selection of chicken pieces, white wine, and herbs and spices, I returned to the computer and logged onto my blog.

Voila, all working fine and dandy again. Disaster averted. 

However, the reason why I could not log on successfully hours ago remained a mystery, so I did some research and uncovered a history of this error code cropping up on international computers. There was a post on a user forum in spain where one poor girl was struggling to long onto her blog for one month - that could easily be me if I am not careful.

I've created an archived backup copy of my blog, in case it all goes crashing down. Dear Reader, I value your visits so much, and advise you to backup your blogs too.

Until next time!

Tabula Rasa is published at smashwords.com and at amazon.com on July 31. For more about Ruby Binns-Cagney's books, visit Smashwords.com or Amazon.com for Kindle.

Are you battling with errors when using free platforms for your blogs?  Sound off in the comments below.

14 Jul 2013

Music To Write Crime Thrillers To

Listening to certain types of music helps my creativity. I find Elgar's concertos particularly helpful when I'm writing my gory murder scenes.

Jacqueline Du Pre is known for this particular Concerto, but here, Yo Yo Ma at Carnegie Hall became my favourite version.

12 Jul 2013

This Month's Writing Challenge - July


Wonderful July came screeching in, bringing with it the chaos and mayhem of computer glitches, for want of a better word. When one makes ones living from writing, and it is one's craft, inevitably things go awry.

Take for instance the Microsoft Windows Update which lasted most of an entire evening, and left me frustrated and 'inoperable'. Frequent checks to see whether the update had finished, blotting of fevered brow, and ensuing frustration. I lost an entire day of creativity due to this update. Imagine my horror then, to discover that the laptop would not boot after the installation of said update. I'm one of those laptop owners who kept the manual. Fortunately, I also kept the install discs. Unfortunately, I didn't have the Windows 7 installation disc, so now I'm without a laptop. 

As providence would have it, I had recently backed up all my work onto Google Drive. I also have a Mac Mini sitting in the corner, where the uncomfortable chair makes my back hurt, and my feet become swollen within hours of being seated there. I write best when I am on the couch, next to the window, with bright sunshine pouring in. I am also opposite the television, where I can select various radio channels to hum away in the background.

My challenge this month was technology. The laptop will be repaired, when i get around to it. It isn't old, but it isn't a priority right now. I've swapped to the Mac Mini, and Smashwords happily snap up and convert into all the other formats, and my e book is published, as before.

Until the Windows Update problem is resolved, I shall not be setting my computers to automatically download them anymore. If I take control over when downloads occur, I hope to minimise the disruption to my craft. My advice to you, Dear Reader, is to backup, remotely store your files in the Cloud, and above all, have a second computer where you can get set up and be on our way again.

'Tabula Rasa - A Detective Macaulay Homicide Case' - July 31, Smashwords.com and Amazon.com for Kindle, and at all the retailers below(via Smashwords.com)

'The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy' by Ruby Binns-Cagney is available at Amazon.com for Kindle  or at smashwords.com for Apple iPad, Kobo Books, Barnes and Noble Nook, and more (via Smashwords.com).

What are your writing challenges? Sound off in the comments.

8 Jul 2013

Meet The Characters - 'The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy'

The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy

---- Characters ---

NYPD Detective Finkel Macaulay is a third-generation African American woman who does not give up. Through her career with NYPD she has seen her fair share of pain, heartache and personal loss. Nothing will stop Macaulay in the pursuit of criminal justice. Macaulay is a caramel-skinned woman with long legs that don't quit. Her favourite companion is her Glock 22. And chocolate chip cookies. In that order.Detective Macaulay is the only daughter of deceased Police Officer Ted Macaulay.

FBI Special Agent Nick Benson: Nick Benson is an ex-Marine Master Sergeant who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. He heads a joint NYPD-FBI Task Force, which is where he first encounters Detective Finkel Macaulay. Italian-American heritage, with an olive-skinned complexion, hazel eyes, and dark closely cropped hair. 

FBI Agent Diane Hepworth: Diane Hepworth is a descendant of the of the indigenous people of the Iroquois Nation in the Northwestern woodlands. Native American ancestors, with keen senses and intense spiritualistic abilities to read the energy of a space; instantly rating it as being occupied by negatively or positively charged energy. Diane is tall, blonde with blue eyes.Diane has the ability to heal people with her own energy. She is seen healing in this Trilogy. Also, Diane can tune in to the serial killers' mind and 'see' his crimes, helping the FBI with their murder investigations.

FBI Special Agent Ben Thomas: Ben Thomas is a descendant of the indigenous people of the Iroquois Nation in the Northwestern woodlands. Native American ancestors, with keen senses and intense spiritualistic abilities to read the energy of a space; instantly rating it as being occupied by negatively or positively charged energy. He's blond with blue eyes, and is Diane Hepworth's half-brother. Ben has similar empathic qualities to his sister, Diane. He prefers not to tap into the energies.

Bo Harknett - Sadistic Serial Killer: Bo Harknett gets his kicks by murdering innocent people. On Feb. 25, 2010, Harknett began stalking Detective Finkel Macaulay of Newhall Yard Police Department. 

This trilogy is centered around Harknett's character, and contains graphic depictions of his crimes. It is not therefore recommended that anyone under the age of 18 reads these books. 

'The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy' by Ruby Binns-Cagney is available at Amazon.com for Kindle  or at smashwords.com for Apple iPad, 

[Book Extract] One For The Money - The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy #1

Product Details

  • File Size: 193 KB
  • Print Length: 41 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Ruby Binns-Cagney; 1 edition (May 17, 2013)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled 

  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #17,290 Paid in Kindle Store 

One For The Money
***IT’S FINALLY HERE! The 1st book in the Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy!!***

Flirty, Frisky, Frantic and Frightening…One For The Money is just plain thrilling!!!! 

The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy pitches good against the ultimate in evil: a wonderful blend of sizzle and sleuth-boggling murder, chaos and mayhem.

Overview of One For The Money:

One dead body. 

One manhunt.
One chance for serial rapist Bo Harknett to escape.
One pissed-off detective.

Will time run out for Detective Macaulay, 

or will she get her man?

Extract from 'One For The Money - The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy #1'

Back at the police station, Mr Jacobs - the owner of the apartment where the victim, Deanne Morris, had been found - had arrived to be interviewed, and give a statement. 
Detective Baines opened the interview room door and we both stepped inside. I gave Baines the first chair and stood slightly to one side of the table. Baines spoke first.
“Mr Jacobs, I’m Detective Baines, and this is my partner, Detective Macaulay.”
“Hello, Detectives.” Mr Jacos said. “Hey.” I said,  and got down to business.
“Mr Jacobs, how well did you know the victim, Deanne Morris?” I said.
“Daniel, please. I’ve known her for many years but we were not close, I’m afraid.” Daniel Jacobs said.
“Any idea who would want her dead, Daniel?”
“No, this whole thing, it’s been really bad.  My Wife is so scared they will come back and kill us.”
“We’ll post a protective detail outside your apartment, don’t worry.” Baines said.
There was a knock at the interview room door. Officer Johnstone with an update for me.
“Excuse me, Daniel. Detective.” I said, and left the room. 
In the narrow corridor outside the interview room, Officer Johnstone looked serious.
“Detective, CST found something in a dumpster a couple of blocks away from the apartment building.”
Officer Johnstone handed me a plastic red tagged evidence bag with what looked like a blood-stained piece of material inside it. “Looks like an oily blood stained piece of rag.” I said. 
“CST  ran tests on the fibres, and found traces of the victim’s DNA, hair, and fingernails.” Johnstone continued.  She had put up a fight; now her murderer was on the run.
“Did the tox screen and rape kit come back yet?” I said, handing him the evidence bag.
“Not yet, should be a couple hours or so.” He said.
“Thank you, Johnstone.”  I said, and went back into the interview room.
I walked into the interview room and Mr Jacobs was still talking with Baines. I sat down next to Baines and handed Mr Jacobs my business card from across the table.
“If there is anything else that you remember, please give me a call. My direct line is on the card.” Baines looked at me, and I wondered if I had anything to more to add before we ended the interview.
“Do you recall any visitors to Miss Morris’ apartment prior to last night, Mr Jacobs?” I asked.
“No, Detective, she kept herself private, made no noise, she was an ideal rental client.”
“What do you know about her boyfriend, Brad Myers?”
“She’s met him at the County Fair last month- she was telling my Wife all about it. I don’t go in for that sort of thing.” He said, and smiled at the memory. “Her face lit up just talking about him.”
“Where does Brad Myers work, Mr Jacobs?”
“He’s a car mechanic, and has a small garage up on Elmwood Avenue. Part owns it with his daddy.”
“Thank you, we’ll look into it.” I said.
Baines went back to his desk while I went to see what the Coroner found after the tox screen and rape kit was fully processed.

One For The Money - The Detective Macaulay Murders Trilogy #1 is available now at Amazon.com for Kindle.

[BOOK Preview ] Love Over 40 - Find Real Lasting Love - Amazon Kindle

Product Details

  • File Size: 193 KB
  • Print Length: 42 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Ruby Binns-Cagney; 002 edition (February 3, 2013)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English

  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #521,522 Paid in Kindle Store 

Extract from the book ' Love Over 40 - Find Real Lasting Love'

The evolution of dating

Because their life expectancy is greater than men’s, 
women comprise a significant majority of
the older population. In the year 2000, the global
sex ratio of the population aged 60 or over was 81
males per hundred females. 
Thus, there were approximately 63 million more women
aged 60 years or older than there were men of the
same age. Since female mortality rates are lower
than male rates at older ages, the proportion of
women in the older population grows substantially
with advancing age. In 2000, women
outnumbered men by almost 4 to 3 at ages 65 or
older, and by almost 2 to 1 at ages 80 or above.

In the less developed regions, older women
do not outnumber older men to the same extent
since gender differences in life expectancy are
generally much smaller. Current sex ratios in
these regions average 88 men per hundred women
among persons aged 60 or over, and 65 among
those aged 80 years or older.

(Population Division, DESA, United Nations)

In fact, for single people over 40, finding true love is not solely about bringing fun into their lives; it is often primarily about finding a true companion with whom they can share the ups and downs of life. 

No matter if you are divorced, widowed, or have never been married; there is the hope of finding that one person who will truly care about you. 

For the rest of your life. 

If you are a middle aged single man or woman you might sometimes wonder how you got to this point in life remaining single. Ask yourself if this is how you want to spend the rest of your life. 
Do you really want to eat all your meals alone forever; 
or you are waiting for someone to come into your life and make it come alive with excitement and lasting happiness?  

If your answer is the latter, then this is what you need to initiate some changes in your life which may include minor adjustments to your appearance, your attitude and even the way you currently lead your life.

'Love Over 40 - Find Real Lasting Love' is available now at Amazon.com for Kindle.

Read 'Love Over 40 - Find Real Lasting Love' for free in the Kindle Owner's Lending Library (Amazon Prime Members in certain countries only)

4 Jul 2013

Ruby's Self-Published Books - Links

Apple iPad

Pandora's Box

Smashwords for iPad/Nook/Sony/Kobo e reader users

                                     Non-Fiction:  Smashwords.com

My latest Book: Ultimate Intimacy- Phoenix Relationship Coaching.com


My advance publishing notices are posted here first:


Add Me To your Google Plus Circles:

Where To Buy My Books

Amazon.com for Kindle:

Apple iBookstore on ITunes

Barnes and Noble for Nook:

Kobo Books for Kobo ereaders:

Smashwords for iPad/Nook/Kobo users

Sony Ebookstore:

Ruby Binns-Cagney is a successful self-published Author at smashwords.com and at Amazon.com for Kindle.

2 Jul 2013

- - - - - - Smashwords and Publishers Weekly Launch Ebook Bestseller List --- --- ---

Smashwords and Publishers Weekly Launch Ebook Bestseller List

Check out the latest news at Smashwords.com this month, as Publishers' Weekly list the top selling ebooks for May 2013.

Read all about the latest news in the independent book publishing industry. We update often.

Ruby Binns-Cagney is a successfully self-published Author at smashwords.com